pumpkin in trash can

Your Decaying Pumpkins Are Methane Bombs-Recycle Them

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Whether you carved your pumpkin into a Jack-O’-Lantern or just left it on the stoop, it’s time to come up with a disposal plan. We’ve got you covered with a few planet-friendly options.

Halloween has come and gone, but for many, that means unwanted pumpkins. They’re at least easier to handle than those unwise Easter bunny purchases, but what can you do with that old pumpkin before it starts rotting?

carved pumpkins on porch

4 Ways To Get Rid Of Your Halloween Pumpkin (Besides A Landfill)

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Here’s why you should never throw your carved Halloween pumpkin in a landfill — and what you can do with it instead.

“One big misconception we hear a lot in the community is that people think that all organic material, like pumpkins, just break down in the landfill. Landfills are actually designed to not allow things to break down in a way that composting allows,” said Udara Abeysekera, ReThink Waste manager at The Environmental Center, according to Source Weekly.

people in pumpkin patch

Pumpkin Pollution is a Problem – Here’s What You Can Do

National Geographic

Tossing jack-o-lanterns in landfills generates harmful methane gas, but there’s a better way to get a second life out of your decorative gourds.

More than one billion pounds of pumpkins are grown in the U.S. every year, and after they’ve been used for Halloween decorations, pies, and jack-o’-lanterns, millions of them—large, mini, orange, white, heirloom—will end up in a landfill.

sheep eating pumpkins

Ready to toss out your pumpkins? Keep them out of the landfill.


From October to December, Pumpkins For Pigs connects community members across the country with local farms, so their leftover pumpkins can be used for animal feed. / Pumpkins For Pigs.

The U.S. produces lots of pumpkins each year — more than 2 billion in 2020 alone. But that year, only one fifth were used for food, which means Americans are spending hundreds of millions of dollars on the gourds annually, just to toss them in the trash when Halloween ends.

pig eating pumpkin

PFP Turns Your Jack-O-Lanterns Into Animal Food


Pumpkins For Pigs is working to keep your pumpkins out of landfills and get them into the bellies of farm animals. This program aims to connect people with unwanted pumpkins — as long as they’re uncarved and unpainted — to farms that can use them.

In the U.S., over 1.3 billion pounds of pumpkin end up in landfills every single year, which means this program is a much-needed and worthwhile endeavor.

Goats eating pumpkins - link to news release and video

Local Farmers Seek Pumpkins for Animals


SOUTHWICK, MA (WGGB/WSHM) – For those with pumpkins still sitting on your front steps, Western Mass News has a way for you to recycle them while helping out local farmers.

With Halloween over, local farms are looking for leftover pumpkins to help feed to their animals. In Southwick, Lindsay Hale, the owner of Firefly Fields, told us how her animals love munching on them.

carved pumpkins

Pumpkins Can Be Composted, Donated to Farms, Fed to Wildlife

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Gardeners can add pumpkins to the compost pile after removing any remaining seeds and being sure to cut off decorative material such as glitter, paint, stickers and candle wax. Slice the pumpkin into smaller pieces, scatter and bury them into the pile. And don’t worry if the pumpkin has already started getting moldy — those microorganisms aid the composting process.

sheep eating pumpkins

Guilt-Free Way to Get Rid of Halloween Pumpkins

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An array of options exist, and a landfill doesn’t need to be its final resting place.

Every November, Jennifer Seifert stared at her leftover Halloween pumpkins and felt one thing: guilt.

“They’re still perfect and Thanksgiving is here. What am I gonna do with them?” she recalls thinking.

carved pumpkins

Don’t Just Throw Away Your Pumpkin

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Hold off before throwing that porch pumpkin into the trash along with Halloween candy wrappers. Those jack-o’-lanterns don’t have to end up in the local landfill.

Consider composting pumpkins in the garden, donating them to community gardens, farms or even a zoo, or simply leaving them as a snack for backyard wildlife.


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