Below is a list of commonly asked questions we receive about PFP’s (Pumpkins For Pigs) programs.

What is a Donation Site? 

A Donation Site is a farm, homestead, farmette, ranch, animal sanctuary, animal rescue, or similar organization with animals that eat pumpkins, gourds, produce, evergreens, and other donated items. Animals typically include pigs, goats, sheep, bovines, horses, donkeys, chickens, geese, and other fowl.


What are Accepted Items? 

Accepted Items are foodstuffs, foliage, and non-food items that a given Donation Site would like to receive from their community. This could include pumpkins (un/carved), gourds, fruits, vegetables, brewer’s grains, bread, pastries, and dry goods. It may also include corn stalks, hay, straw, evergreen trees and wreaths free of decorations, dyes, and sprays. Processed foods such as snacks are not accepted. Non-food items may include kiddie pools and plastic outdoor playhouses. All donations must be free of mold and decorations.

Can I donate decorated pumpkins?

No, non-water-based inks and paints cannot be washed off and are toxic to animals. Glitter, gemstones, and similar decorations are not consumable items by anyone and can make an animal very sick. To make donations easier, try these decorating tips.


George’s Mill is an original PFP Donation Site. Photo: PFP Foundation.


Find a Donation Site near you by clicking Donate Food on the menu bar. 

What can I donate?

Each Donation Site entry includes a list of Accepted Items – food, flora, non-food, and other item — that their organization would like to receive. When locating donation sites near you, enter the item you want to donate in the Search bar to quickly identify locations accepting that item.  All donations must be free of mold. This may include any of the following:

  • Pumpkins (carved and/or uncarved)
  • Fruits & Vegetables
  • Brewer’s Grains
  • Bread & Pastries
  • Dry Goods
  • Cornstalks
  • Hay & Straw
  • Evergreen trees & wreaths (including Christmas trees free of decorations & dyes/sprays)
  • Kiddie pools
  • Outdoor plastic playhouses

Can I donate non-food items?

Yes, each Donation Site lists what items they want to receive.  For example, Donation Sites with puppies, birds, and fowl, often ask for plastic kiddie pools bought for young children and family dogs. They are used for a variety of water-loving fowl.

Are evergreen trees, wreaths, and other foliage accepted? 

Yes, they are not food people eat, but for goats, especially, they are a fantastic treat.  Sheep and other animals may also eat these items. Trees can be submerged in ponds to create aquatic environments.  Remember: Holiday trees, wreaths, and other evergreens from large box stores are often sprayed with a chemical to keep their deep green look. These evergreens are not animal-friendly and should be taken to a composting or appropriate facility for processing.

What is the Fall and Winter Donation Program? 

Pumpkins For Pigs original program – sometimes referred to as the Fall and Winter Donation program – strives to redirect Fall decorations such as pumpkins, gourds, corn stalks, hay/straw bales, and related items back to community farms, animal sanctuaries, and rescues.  It also includes Winter decorations such as holiday trees, wreaths, and other foliage for goat consumption. Note: Winter decorations must be free of tinsel and other decorations and must not be sprayed with a liquid acrylic colorant which may be toxic. Ask when purchasing.

Goats at 56 Hooves enjoying lots of donated evergreens. Yum! Photo: 56 Hooves.

What does it mean if a Donation Site is “Stuffed”? 

A Donation Site that has reached its capacity to accept donations is called Stuffed.  They are no longer able to accept donations from the community for the remainder of the donation season (January 31). This designation applies to the Fall and Winter Donation and Excess Backyard Garden Donation programs.


Goats at 56 Hooves enjoying pumpkin donations. Photo: 56 Hooves.

Can I buy Pumpkins For Pigs-branded lawn sign for my Donation Site so donors can find us? 

Coming soon!

What is the Excess Backyard Garden donation program? 

Inevitably, backyard gardens produce more than we can eat and share with our neighbors, friends, coworkers, and anyone walking by. Zucchini and tomatoes come to mind.  The animals at Donation Sites would love these nutrient-rich and flavorful leftovers to mix up their diets.  Find a Donation Site near you!

What is the Food Pantry Extras Reclamation program? 

Food pantries are a critical resource for members of our communities. Getting the balance of incoming and outgoing food donations is a challenge. Sometimes, pantries have food that will not reach those in need before spoilage or in alignment with various state and federal regulations.  These foodstuffs still have nutritional value.  Our goal is to match food banks and pantries with local Donation Sites so that food can be enjoyed by animals and prevent it from going to the landfill. This program runs year-round and is not subject to the ‘stuffed’ designation. Sign up your food pantry today.

Do you sell a yard sign for our neighborhood/group collection? 

Coming soon!

Do you sell PFP-branded T-shirts and sweatshirts? 

Coming soon!

How can I sign up to receive donations from my community for my farm, animal sanctuary, or rescue? 

Complete the registration form for your location today! That’s it!

How can I get more involved? 

Glad you asked! There are many ways for individuals, groups, and organizations to get involved and reduce food waste in their community. Check out our volunteer needs and complete the volunteer form!

chickens eating pumpkins

Two pigs enjoying donated gourds at All Cooped Up. Photo: All Cooped Up.

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