Pumpkins for Pigs-iHeart Radio

by: Jeffrey T. Mason
iHEART RADIO, October 25, 2022
What is your pumpkin plan? In other words, what do you do with them once Halloween is over? You’re not gonna take it off the porch and try to make pie, are you? No…most people just throw them out. Well, let’s change that this year.
There’s a program called Pumpkins For Pigs and it’s nationwide, although there are far more locations on the east coast than other areas. Take a look at the map. Find your closest drop-off. Those pumpkins will then go to farmers in order to feed their pigs…or other animals that like to chow down on pumpkins.
Also, if YOU are a farmer and want to add your name and location to the list, there’s a button for just that.
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